Sweetie Darling, Darling, Sweetie

Andrea and I, Lavinia Mangano, are employed by Those Who Must Not Be Named (up in the sky) and we work in harmony at The Satyricon Diner in London. We have decided to record our impressions of this curious and always surreal eatery in a series of bawdy episodes set during the Wet & Dry Dynasties of The Directress Giovanna. A cast of many characters will drift throughout our tales, some will stay, others will run for the hills in the manner of a Felliniesque Farce or be sent away in Disgrace, but rest assured, it will never be dull.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

PartyGirl.... waiting and waiting and waiting

Here our super PartyGirl that she is left with a cloth to polish the bloody tables, while THE BOY is probably tripping his head off somewhere in Camden..... 
...ooooohhhh  Kids.....  how amazing ..  :+))

Monday, 25 May 2009

Our Beloved Lourdes : from India with Love

From an E-mail...

hola mi amore.....
life here is bloody brilliant. (.....) We have started our excercise regime already. its up 6am, coffee, run the length of the beach, jump in the sea, swim back the length of the beach to where we started then out, and breakfast of fruit/porridge on the beach, healthy stuff etc.... then the days activities, whatever we've chosen to do that day, at 6pm, we do it all again, then dinner and early bed. Its amazin. We are detox-tastic right now sweetie. No booze, no fags, just health and hydaration. Jus water water and LOADSA water. We have been on a trek via Honda-scooter to a fort in the hills with views over the coastline to die for. We went to a national park & saw a wild boar & cobra snakes among other animals...Reindeer!!?? [shouldn't they be living in snow?] probably sweatin thier bollocks off, poor sods.(....) awh.........MONKEYS!!!! just sitting chilling on rocks at the end of the beach. They are sooooooooo cute. Not to mention i've fallen completely inlove with all the cows that wander around the towns and beaches. I feed them watermelon skins and bananas. they love it! They are now my best friends.(.....)
great big fat MWAH! X 

Spotted: B back from Barbados looking fierce ....

.....a modern tale of Cinderella seems to taking place in the Satyricon Diner ... it will be an happy ending too or just a flame of passion and lust, burning fast to the end...???

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Para Diego, mi amor

Mientras que la noche baja sobre Bahía, las estrellas suben fuera del mar y adornan el cielo como diamantes. El sentarse en la playa aquí en la oscuridad debe seguramente ser uno de los placeres más estimados de mi corazón de dolor. Milton Nascimento mandila de la estereofonia, en la pequeña casa achispada al lado de la playa que he llamado a casa y que bewitched me por años. El sol finalmente fija y me siento en la arena, sintiendo limpiada por la simplicidad de mi vida aquí. Duermo cuando soy cansado, como cuando tengo hambre y mi cuerpo procesado excesivo se adapta con el ritmo del mar y del calor perezoso. Mis vueltas de la piel de oro y en cama en la noche, respiro el aire limpio dulce de la sal del mar de las ventanas abiertas. Mi pelo agita y se encrespa como las ondas, enderezadas no más pero untamed y libera, y soy mismo. La casa se llena de bebidas espirituosas, pero las felices, no me frecuentan, me aman y acarician, porque cuando estoy aquí yo no sienten ningún rasgón para los que me han dejado detrás, porque él parece estar todo alrededor de mí. Llaman a mí y al susurro de los tiempos felices de profundo dentro de mi corazón con los ritmos más apacibles del intento cariñoso. Siguen la llamada de las encantadoras en la playa y llenan mi corazón de memoria agridulce. Sacudiendo de la arena que camino nuevamente dentro de la casa, encienda mis velas para la tarde y mienta en la cama por un momento. Las ondas se estrellan a lo largo de la playa y los pescadores ahora tiran de sus redes adentro. Caminaré pronto abajo a la orilla, tomaré una cesta, y regatearé para mi cena, los pescados regordetes con las frutas del mar y la magia. Los amigos vendrán esta noche reír y perseguir lejos las bebidas espirituosas pero las siento en las paredes y todo alrededor de la pequeña casa. Derriten y fluyen con el reflujo de las mareas y cojo susurros ocasionalmente, una frialdad en el balsámico, aire sospechado coco. Más adelante, dormiré de modo que pueda despertar temprano, hacer un ofrecimiento al mar y al Lemanja, la diosa de todo el que sea fértil y abundante, de modo que ella pueda llevar esta tristeza en mi corazón y bendecirme otra vez con amor. No el amor de un carioca en la playa, que no quiere no más que el gusto dulce de mi piel y deseo, solamente una quién inspirará, aceptar y proteger este corazón dañado los míos. No quiero un cuerpo para el solo más, he intentado eso y los brazos que no aman no están para mi corazón demasiado fácilmente contusionado. Para en esta cama antigua blanca he sabido el amor y la pasión similares cuyo las hojas yo sin aliento. Sé cuál es mirar en el corazón de otro y verdad del amor, para sentir que retroceso del amor dentro de mi vientre nueve meses más adelante, regordete con las horas de amor, pasiones emocionales. He tenido su vida dentro de mí, que entendía y amó el alcohol de mí. Era la madre de sus niños, creada con dulzor y nada pero amor. Y como dormito en la oscuridad, los soplos de la puerta se abren y siento la fuerza de su presencia. Me cogen entre los mundos, crujidos de un entarimado y miento inmóvil. Siento esos brazos alrededor de mí otra vez en mis sueños más estimados. Miento encrespado para arriba en mi lado y él miente deformación y trama detrás de mí, este alcohol cariñoso, apenas pues dormiríamos siempre interwined suavemente, cabiendo junto perfectamente como un rompecabezas intrincado. No oigo nada pero el suspiro del mar y yo queremos dar vuelta alrededor y mirar en sus ojos oscuros, pero sé para dar vuelta alrededor debo romper el encanto. Pues duermo yo lo oigo hablar palabras de amor en eso lengua enredada del inglés, del portugués y del español que era nuestros el propio y ningunos otros sabrían. Nuestras palabras, erótico, amor apasionado, encendidas con deseos puedo nunca olvidar, pero debo aprender dejar para ir. Para mí sé que su alcohol nunca quisiera que estuviera triste y que gritara la manera que hago la mayoría de las noches y está para él y solamente él que nunca he intentado ahogar mi dolor permanentemente. Duermo, despertando al sonido de voces amistosas. Lo van. La mañana siguiente voy a la orilla y tomo conmigo las ofrendas para el mar. Para traer amor y creatividad nuevamente dentro de mi vida, para traer a otro niño hermoso mi manera. Para saber felicidad otra vez al lado del mar, tranquilo y pacífico y dormir con los brazos cariñosos verdaderos alrededor de mí de nuevo, no los de un estimado fantasma que intenta solamente confortarme. Sé que él quiere esto para mí, apenas tanto como sé que cuando viene el tiempo, él me esperará en la encrucijada apenas como él me dejó. Tan un día pronto volveré a esta casa achispada al lado del mar y las bebidas espirituosas no susurrarán a mí más de largo, porque traeré nuevas vida y felicidad a este pequeño hogar y aquí, yo saben, un día que sentiré retroceso de la vida dentro de mí otra vez con las bendiciones de Lemanja y de mis estimadas bebidas espirituosas salidas. Bahía, Bahía MI Coracon. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Lavinia Agrees. . .

I completely agree with Andrea! 
Anyhow today Lavinia visited Tri-Yoga today and did a tough 2 hour class, she feels all the better for it too!
There were many of Andrea's brothers present at the yoga center, not only attending but teaching.
Viva La Maricon!
Lavinia is also embarking upon a healthy eating plan!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Lies and Lies and more Lies

Seems to me the disease is in the Satyricon, radicated in his foundations. Lies are around like children in the park playing loudly... as mother Trust left them to themselves with no regards whatsoever. 
It's sad when there is no Trust. 
Humans are able to create  subversives worlds full of tricks and mind games, to controls their fears and their insecurities. But nothing can do in front of Faith. 
And i am not talking of religious Faith. 
So when you have Faith in you, you have Love and if you have Love, Lies won't survive long.. Slowly they will die, and those facades that you create, they will crumble and nothing will remain.
Just bad memories, that eventually will fade and disappears.
So my dear friends please stop the disease, and start to look for some love in within yourself, and those 8 hours that you will have to spend in the Satyricon, they will be more special.

Lourdes Head Waitress

Super Lourdes never stop to surprise us.. even when under pressure, she is been pulling herself together and carry on on the path... " Lourdes, don't listen who wants you weak, who try to manipulate your soul and your work. Just be true to yourself and you will be fine".

Monday, 11 May 2009

THe dAy After ..

the Inquisition hit the two lady above with a warning.... OUCH !!! 
Giovanna and Lavinia enforce new laws in the SAtyricon....  

Lourdes 4ever, in your madness you show us the light

Lazzaro evil eye contact.....

Lavinia's blossom .....erm...


Sunday, 10 May 2009

The Beloved

Lavinia would just like to say that she is very thankful for the presence of the Beloved (aka Andrea) he makes her time at work (and out of!) a thing of pleasure and his soul is a beautiful, moisturised entity filled with waterfalls of loveliness. . .ti amo mi amigo!

Lourdes is missed!

The Beloved and I are certainly missing Lourdes! We have noted that her sweetness adds a pleasant aura at The Satyricon. . .come home soon Lourdes and be safe, we can't wait to whizz off to yoga with Lourdes with our mats and good cheer!

Afternoon thoughts

Lavinia Magnano is snuggling with El Gustappo, eating frosted coconut cake and is enjoying having her curls stroked tenderly. She has recently been chatting with The Beloved  or Andrea Maricon, she sends him Love and Light.

Lourdes and Katiusha off to India, Blondie off to Barbados ...

The two rock 'n roll babes have left UK off to find spiritual guidance in India....  (we hope)

B was flew Upper Class to Barbados by a mystery man...  very gossip girl...


Fair tipping law 'won't cost waiters their job

Minister rejects claim that 45,000 restaurant workers face redundancy in shake-up

By Andrew Grice, Political Editor

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Changing the pay regulations for restaurant workers could cost the industry £450m, claims the British Hospitality Association


The restaurant trade's warning that 45,000 jobs could be lost when ministers outlaw the use of tips to top up the earnings of staff paid less than the minimum wage has been rejected by an official government study.

The review by the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (DBERR) is likely to pave the way for the practice to be made illegal in November. The government crackdown was promised last July following The Independent's "Fair Tips, Fair Pay" campaign but no date for implementing it has been set. The campaign uncovered evidence that some waiting staff were being paid as little as £3 an hour, as restaurants used tips and service charges to bring their wages up to the national minimum of £5.73 per hour.

The British Hospitality Association (BHA) asked the Government to delay the move because of the recession. A report it commissioned by the Centre for Economics and Business Research found that 45,000 jobs could be at risk as a result of the change in the law.


But this finding has been flatly contradicted by officials at the DBERR, who conducted their own review. They estimated the cost of bringing in the change at £92m, only 0.5 per cent of the wages bill of the companies affected, while the BHA put the cost at £450m.

Pat McFadden, the minister for Employment Relations, said yesterday: "We take costs to business seriously and have undertaken a robust analysis using the independent Office for National Statistics' annual survey of hours and earnings. Of course, some costs will rise for those businesses using tips to make up the national minimum wage, but the vast majority of businesses do not do this anyway."

He added: "Consumers support tips not being included in basic pay; after all, it is the public's money. Our estimates are significantly lower than the BHA has suggested. There is no evidence that having a decent floor on wages is detrimental to jobs in recent years."

The DBERR made no estimate of the number of likely job losses, but ministers recalled that warnings that between one and two million jobs could be lost if a minimum wage was introduced did not materialise.

The Government claims its estimate is more accurate than the restaurant industry's because it was based on a survey of 140,000 workers, a bigger sample than the BHA's survey of 40 companies. The BHA based its figures on a "pay gap" of £2 an hour between workers who received less than the legal minimum and relied on tips, while the DBERR calculated this figure at 90p an hour. The BHA estimated that 73,000 staff would be affected and the DBERR only 60,000. The civil servants also took account of figures from the Federation of Small Businesses that 96 per cent of workers do not depend on tips to reach the minimum because most companies in the hospitality sector are responsible employers.

The BHA, which is standing by its own figures, insists that it backs the change in the law and is working on a new code of practice to ensure more transparency over tips for customers. "In order to reduce the risk of job losses and business failures, the industry needs time to adjust its financial and operational models," it said.


Using tips to make up staff pay to minimum wage levels will be outlawed from October this year, it was announced today.

The Government said it will also be working towards greater transparency and clarity for consumers by introducing a new code of best practice for the hospitality industry.

The announcement is the Government’s response to a consultation on the use of tips, gratuities, service charges and cover charges in payment of the national minimum wage.

The Department for Business said a majority of businesses responding to the consultation backed the proposed changes.

Employment relations minister Pat McFadden said: “When people leave a tip for staff, in a restaurant or anywhere else, they have a right to know that it will not be used to make up the minimum wage. It is also important for employers to have a level playing field on wages.