Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Ieri, Oggi, Domani....
The right to tip fairly and for customers to be able to choose (instead of being mislead into believing they are tipping our friendly staff by writing 'gratuity' instead of 'optional service charge') is not a luxury for staff in this industry. It is a right and it what customers expect. Asking staff to lie to customers, not mention the service charge so that the company can accrue profit to open further venues whilst the customer believes that they are leaving a tip for a hard working waitress/waiter is wrong and will eventually found out to be so. If 12% service is stated CLEARLY on the bill the customer is aware that the service charge does not go to the server.
Taking the choice away from the customer, operating no tronc system and asking the staff to lie about service charge are all examples of a greater malaise.
Living off the profit of others hard work to profit oneself will only result in deep and abiding circles of greed and discontent.
Live fairly, do right by the people who work for you and treat them with respect and then they will respect you. This is all we ask.
Signing out from The Satyricon and thank those who have supported her with love and loyalty.
Silvana Mangnano
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
More restaurants exposed for their tipping practices
One of Britain's fastest-expanding restaurant groups fails to pass on all tips left by customers to staff at two of its chains, The Independent has discovered.
As the campaign for fair tipping gathered fresh political support, Clapham House Group confirmed that staff at Tootsies and the Real Greek received only a "proportion" of the 12.5 per cent service charge automatically added to bills.
Related articles
- Leading article: An important victory. But there are more battles ahead
- Victory for fair tips campaign as ministers act
- Ethical seafood restaurant uses tips to pay the minimum wage
- Wagamama signs up to tipping campaign
- Tipping - join the debate
- Conran staff basic pay is less than £2 per hour
- European MPs join campaign for fair tipping policy
- Protesters confront diners at London restaurant
- Fair tips, fair pay: Now the waiters bite back...
- Tipping: top chefs turn up the heat
- Mark Hix: 'Why I've joined The Independent's campaign for fairer tipping'
The company would not disclose how much staff received from the "optional service charge". At its biggest chain, Gourmet Burger Kitchen, there is no service charge because the food is served over the counter. At chains where there is table service, Tootsies and the Real Greek, serving staff are allowed to keep cash tips in line with the practice of most restaurants.
"Waiting staff do receive a proportion of the service charge," said a spokeswoman for Clapham House, which had annual sales of £60m last year. "The remainder is used in a variety of ways, including the funding of staff bonuses, staff welfare and very competitive salaries."
She added: "Clapham House are about to introduce a pilot scheme in one restaurant where customers will only be able to leave a cash tip for the staff. We will examine whether customers and staff prefer this approach."
The company, which owns 25 Tootsies and six Real Greeks, said it did not dip into tips to top up salaries to the minimum wage.
As The Independent reported this week, several chains, including Strada, Café Rouge and Caffè Uno, pay less than the minimum wage and use money from the service charge to reach the legal minimum. Two chains operated by Gondola Holdings, the country's biggest restaurant operator, Zizzi and Ask, also use a portion of the gratuities added by customers on credit and debit cards to pay the minimum wage.
Yesterday pressure mounted in Parliament for the Government to outlaw unfair tipping practices. The Liberal Democrats tabled an amendment to a Commons Bill aimed at stopping restaurateurs from diverting money from tips to top up wages to the minimum. Sarah Teather, the party's spokeswoman on business and enterprise, said that the amendment to the Employment Bill would close the legal loophole, if passed.
MPs from all parties have signed a Commons motion calling on the Government to change the law to ensure that waiters receive all tips in addition to the minimum wage. The motion has been signed by 40 MPs: 25 Labour, seven Liberal Democrats, four Tories and three from other parties. It backs The Independent's campaign, which began on Tuesday and which yesterday won support from the television chefs Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
Jamie Oliver's Fifteen chain ensures that frontline staff receive all cash tips and service charges. In a statement, the Fifteen Foundation said: "Each restaurant at Fifteen has its own pool for credit card tips and an additional payment made into the fortnightly pay. This is calculated fairly based on the number of hours worked over that two-week period. No money is withheld by management."
Gordon Ramsay Holdings, which operates the chef's Michelin-starred establishments, passes on all its 12.5 per cent service charge to restaurant staff, after the deduction of a small credit card charge.
"Gordon Ramsay Holdings are happy to back your campaign," a spokeswoman said.
Fearnley-Whittingstall said any tipping at his River Cottage Canteen in Axminster, Devon, was discretionary. "Whether the tip is cash or on a credit card, it is split equally among the waiting staff and kitchen porters and is additional to their salary," his spokeswoman said. She remarked: "This is a subject and campaign we feel strongly about and are keen to have the opportunity to support."
The National Consumer Council urged individual restaurants to display their tipping policies. Philip Cullum, acting chief executive of the publicly-funded organisation, believed that many diners would be "shocked" by the current practices of the £37bn-a-year restaurant business.
He said: "The National Consumer Council wholeheartedly supports The Independent's campaign to make tipping fairer for both diners and employees.
"Customers give tips to recognise and reward good service, and many would be shocked to learn of leading restaurant chains profiting by abusing this system. Where the full amount of the tip is not going to the waiting staff, this should be made crystal clear to customers on both the menu and the bill."
To have your say and comment on issues relating to our campaign, To comment on a specific case, please send an email, in strict confidence, to, making sure to put 'tipping' in the subject field.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
OUr beloved Lazzaro and the new Hair STyle
Friday, 10 July 2009
She seems a very devoted woman....
Thursday, 9 July 2009
SleepING bEAuty
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
OUr PIN Up Before Ibisa ..
Monday, 8 June 2009
Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
PartyGirl.... waiting and waiting and waiting
Monday, 25 May 2009
Our Beloved Lourdes : from India with Love
life here is bloody brilliant. (.....) We have started our excercise regime already. its up 6am, coffee, run the length of the beach, jump in the sea, swim back the length of the beach to where we started then out, and breakfast of fruit/porridge on the beach, healthy stuff etc.... then the days activities, whatever we've chosen to do that day, at 6pm, we do it all again, then dinner and early bed. Its amazin. We are detox-tastic right now sweetie. No booze, no fags, just health and hydaration. Jus water water and LOADSA water. We have been on a trek via Honda-scooter to a fort in the hills with views over the coastline to die for. We went to a national park & saw a wild boar & cobra snakes among other animals...Reindeer!!?? [shouldn't they be living in snow?] probably sweatin thier bollocks off, poor sods.(....) awh.........MONKEYS!!!! just sitting chilling on rocks at the end of the beach. They are sooooooooo cute. Not to mention i've fallen completely inlove with all the cows that wander around the towns and beaches. I feed them watermelon skins and bananas. they love it! They are now my best friends.(.....)
Spotted: B back from Barbados looking fierce ....
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Para Diego, mi amor
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Lavinia Agrees. . .
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Lies and Lies and more Lies

Seems to me the disease is in the Satyricon, radicated in his foundations. Lies are around like children in the park playing loudly... as mother Trust left them to themselves with no regards whatsoever.
Lourdes Head Waitress
Monday, 11 May 2009
THe dAy After ..
Sunday, 10 May 2009
The Beloved
Lourdes is missed!
Afternoon thoughts
Lourdes and Katiusha off to India, Blondie off to Barbados ...
Fair tipping law 'won't cost waiters their job
Monday, 27 April 2009
To Be DRY or not To BE
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Lazarus' Birthday Party and other strange and unexplained things. . .
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
R.I.P Ketchup Dispenser

Our Beloved Lourdes and the Easter Miracle at The Satyricon